Thursday, November 6, 2008

Told U Use Malay frequently in Malaysia~~~

A phone conversation between a Chinese and a Malay.

M: Helo, boleh saya tau mana ofis awak? Saye sekarang kat Nationwide sane….
C: Ah…u jalan terus. Lepas tu hor, u nampak itu ‘kopitiam’?
M: Kopitiam? Tak nampak…
C: Arr…atau u nampak ‘na ge’ (那个) …‘na ge’ (那个)
M: ya?? ‘na ge’.. ‘na ge’.. (laughing)
C: Gdex sane…
M: Oh..ok..tau tau..tima kasih.

-swt- -swt- .... WTH is 那个…那个… Alright let me say. 那个 = that (Eng) or itu (Malay). And another one, ‘kopitiam’??? I thought suppose be kedai kopi (coffee shop) isn't it? Well, that was my colleague phone conversation to a courier man. Today office was really super quiet. Why? My 'mouth shooter' wasn't feeling well today! What is mouth shooter? We always fight inside the office using our mouth. She loves to fight with me and I was the same too. If there are one day we didn't fight, our skin will get itchy..Haha. Today morning she was pulling a long face. When she make a tick at her calendar, I knew what’s happen to her. Her ‘auntie’ came visit her. What do I put ‘’ sign at the auntie words? Well, you know, I know! Hehe.

Alright, back to the phone conversation. No one expect she would speak that. She was trying to control herself not to laugh at her own mistake. But for us? Sorry, we can't control it. So we laughed. Hahaha… At last, there is some noise made by us today. Know why I said that? Cos usually we in the office very noisy. Especially me and my 'mouth shooter'. Today she is sick so let her go. Tomorrow…nah…never slip a chance of it(fight). Haha.

Moral of the story: Being a Malaysian-Chinese should use Malay well if u want to stay at Malaysia to prevent being a laugh stock. Except you intended to immigrate to overseas!



Crabbed!! said...

haha...damn, and I thought my bahasa was bad..

m@y3 g@L said...

Haha...well, maybe u were just slightly bad.. ;p

Anonymous said...

The Mouth Shooter. Sounds like a movie title!

m@y3 g@L said...

oh really? Got this movie? (*shock*) Hahaha... i thought im only the one create that funny title. Hehe...