Sunday, August 15, 2010

New baby from him

Who is that him? who? who?
Cute ler.... Yup is him. Proud of him. New song album is going out and his first time, the only first time movie is out as well. Waiting for his babies, finally is born. Okay..Let us take a sneak view on his album..

Ta da..... 18 MARTIAL ARTS.

Song list~~

  1. Dragon Dance
  2. 杜 U love me (Do you love me)
  3. 十八般武艺
  4. 你不知道的事 (恋爱通告 - 主题曲)
  5. 伯牙绝玄
  6. 柴米油盐姜醋茶
  7. 需要人陪
  8. 天涯海角
  9. 你不知道的事 (宋晓青版本)
  10. 自己人

Lee hom fans. What ya waiting for? Grab the CD at your nearby cd store la...

okay..What about the movie? Is his first try. I believe he must be learning new things and gain much experiencing in movie making after this. Says is his first try, so there must be good and bad compliment.

Not need continue reading my blog. Go and book ticket to watch la...


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