Tuesday, January 20, 2009

幸福双人床 = Mars vs Venus

Familiar with the title? Ya..It’s now on air at Malaysia Tv programme @ NTV7. This drama series origin from Singapore. I had finish watching it first at Singapore channel. (I fix one) Basically, the movie is about men and women thinking about couple relationship, marriage, kinship and friendship. Somehow, part of the story had left me a deep impression. And that is why I could type this blog down.
Partly I love this movie drama because there is always some quote given after some cases happen inside. And those quotes always touch people heart included me, of course. I couldn’t remember all the quotes but I will give some here which I could still remember.

:: Presents are women’s best friends.
:: Men will talk whatever they need to talk in the office and call off the day whereas Women will talk and talk and talk... Once they hit the day quota of average 5000 words, they will automatically shut up
:: A women tears is the lethal weapon(?)
:: Love is like a cocktail, you develop a resistance and stop getting a high after two years
:: Clever men know how to apologise
:: Women's eyes can rotate 180 degrees, men only has 30 degrees view sight
:: Before marriage, everything is perfect After marriage, quarrel everyday
:: Man can't get hints. SO women... Speak ur mind!
:: A handphone had spoil could be repair, but friendship had broken could be repair?
:: To destroy a friendship could be in second and to maintain a friendship need forever!
:: Man could say sweet words to other girls but not to the wife!

Yesterday after watching the drama series at NTV7. What again? Ok… Tears drop again because of the scenes happen inside. Ooh…When I look back all those blog I’ve post only realize these things had happen from few years back. Now when look back at the same situation in the TV, it still there. But the only different now was the feel is not as strong as previous.
Sometimes I’m in dilemma. But it seems I ignore it than facing it. Things always like this. Know how to advice friend what is fact and what should do. But it normally didn’t apply all that to our own. Right? My besties, they always keep quiet. Most probably they will read this as well. I know they knew something was not right in me sometimes. And I understand it although they just keep quiet. They basically will sad and some even angry with me if I’m still frust about these things. (I’m sorry…)

I promise myself to let go and maintain the situation now. Don’t want any complicated and don’t want hurt anyone included myself. To be frankly, it is not easy to maintain it. I know it would take some times and even longer time to heal. I just hope and pray everything be back to normal as soon as possible. I don’t want to miss anything which is precious to me included all the moments.

So Maye, don’t give up ya! Trust yourself can do it!


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