Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pressure is on its way coming!!!

Just celebrate new year few days ago. This means my pressure is coming their way to me as well. You all know that January to June is the peak period in my office. So i will be rushing doing accounts and audit and even secretarial works. How do i handle 3things together? Sometimes i wonder myself too.

Secretarial documents im still in progressing learning or could say still try to catch the balls. Do lot of mistakes? Yeah it is. My office pc don't have any guideline which document that i should do. It just have other company's secretary file to refer. Why didn't ask lady boss? I think i rather take care of myself than asking her cos didn't help much actually. Normally secretarial works do it spontaneously and the date must be sure as not to get the penalty from the ROC (Registrar Of Companies) department. Almost every secretary documents need to submit to ROC so i had to be very careful in every words and format in the documents. As im the 'careless queen' (which i called myself), i can't 100% sure that my secretary documents is correct with the words and format. My work would always give my senior to double-check it to prevent any mistake to ROC. So secretary documents i will always fear about in the office.

As for accounts, doesn't have any problem to me. Most of the problem come from the client, themselves. Whether they are co-operating with you or not. The other problem was my lady boss was too 'kind'. Those accounts that send in late by the clients, my lady boss would always ask us to try finish up. Imagine the deadline is almost near, then only the client send in the documents. So you think will it have much mistakes? I bet is a yes. Since secretary works can't ask lady boss and i could ask her about the accounts? I would say again a NO. Again, im better to take care myself doing the accounts than asking her. If i can't persuade clients on some account matter, then only i will forward it to my lady boss. (Cos normally client would listen to lady boss than the staff)

As for audits, supposingly when i first came interview with this current company i wasn't assigned to do audit. She (Ladyboss) told me i will handle secretary and accounts work. And i think is fair enough. Since i wanted to learn secretary work. Beside, she can give me take study leave during peak period which actually attract me as well. And that was the condition that we both agree and i took up the job. She knew me do audit before in previous company and ask me to help my senior in audit as well. Maybe bit of checking and some schedule in the working papers. That's fine. But now, i don't think im only doing bit of checking and some schedule. It seems im doing the whole thing. Never mind. That's fine as well. So i thought after year 2008 i would back to original condition that we had agree at the first place. But guess what, my senior told me that i will handle few companies of audit. Oh holy shit! Means i got spread myself into 3 types of documents. Ladyboss, i thought you say earlier that i only HELP? Now instead of HELP bit become HANDLE all.

Alright, im kind a frust about it long time ago. But im keep quiet doesnt mean im happy about it. Suppose work and study at the same time was already pressure to me and now adding me work i think will go crazy. In the end, my salary still the same. Argh...that was the thing i hate the most.

I just can't stand it that is why im writing this post. Hope everything would go smooth~~~~


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