Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Alright..Think you all had heard many times of 'Heartbeat' from Lee Hom. Should be a bit bored about that song already right? Okay! Okay! i know. So allow me to intro another song BUT BUT ...... from Lee Hom as well. Hehehe....

Another new love song from him. all should know his voice. So dreamy that 'kill' lot of girls heart..I heart him. This song could be sing to the people who are in love. Or it can sing to the person you like. Or maybe just for soothing ears. Or for those who like to listen love song. This song definitely you will like it. Because this song do might touches people's heart.

So who is your 'Everything' in your life? Or hoping he is 'Everything' but hard or can't which sometimes words just can't even describe? Okay. Keep that feeling to yourself. I understand that. Really...

Alright! im not trying to make anyone 'emo' (emotional) here. Whatever it is, life still goes on. Just cherish every moment that you had. Okay?
'Think of the bright side! Don't think so much!'
Okay, that's what my besties always nagging that word. Hehe.

OMG! Bla bla so much till forgot one important things. Hehe...Below are his song lyric. Enjoy!

故事裡的 起承轉合 有一些忘記

原來波折 才暗示著 該走的方向

就算 別人都說 我們沒什麼出息

Cause You're My Everything
就一個原因 讓我勇敢面對這個世界
想給你 Everything
不管用多少個明天 永遠從此刻開始算起
你的愛是我的 Everything

遼闊天際 求和相遇
有多少機率多少煙火 墜落無痕跡

因為幸福 沒有捷徑 難免要繞道
不被看好 越是要走到

就算別人都說 我們沒什麼出息

你就是 Everything
就這個原因 讓我勇敢面對這個世界
想給你 Everything
隻要你說一聲願意 所有的未來才有意義
你的愛是我的 Everything

Cause You're My Everything
就這個原因 讓我勇敢面對這個世界
想給你 Everything
不管用多少個明天 永遠從此刻開始算起
你就是 Everything
就如這個原因 我會永遠記住這種感覺
想給你 Everything
隻要你說一聲願意 所有的未來才有意義
你的愛是我的 Everything

* You are listening now*

(P/S: Clock struck 12am now! Happy New Year 2009)


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