Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Im like a bird!

Finally im free for exam! But is just only for weeks. Next year January 2009 will be starting classes for my next subject. Aiks..what a short break but is better than NO break! Haha. Last 2 weeks had went to KL for my revision classes for a week! Stay at my sister house as usual and bring 2 subjects of books and my clothes for sure. Seems little huh? Not though...Is just like heavy metal!

The whole week there i could really feel im a full time student! Early in the morning wake up, eat breakfast and start taking my books and study! In the evening, went to classes. After classes, stop a while to chit chat with my coursemate and with my lecturer about our studies and work as well. Really enjoy my student life although is just for 2weeks. Mind free from document work and meeting clients. Facing only books and books, pages by pages. Will i ever get bored? Of cos i will. What i do? Watching movie a while and sometimes surf the net. Reading friends blog to make me some laugh to relax while. Hehe.

There's one day when i was reading Wi blog, is about http://www.yearbookyourself.com/ It is indeed funny to see yourself in different image. Click on his blog you would know what im trying to say here. This is how the technology goes. From a black and white color screen to now colourful screen which even could modify your face in the computer. Awesome right?

As few days ago i read Randy blog where he went to a restaurant in Japan to celebrate his friend birthday and it was so cool! Got chance i would go as well! Haha...Click on his blog you would know as you see the pictures there. By the way, for girls with boyfriend better be careful when you going to such places. Cos there got a pretty policewoman would suddenly appear and 'grab' away your guys. As how she already 'hook' up with Randy! hahaha.... :p

Yesterday saw Kelly blog where she said that yesterday(1/12/2008) the moon is smiling! Moon is smiling? True? See below you would know.

Alright! Now i understand. Well, this picture is not taken from Kelly blog but instead 'stole' from my other friends blog. Haha. Now i understand! Is not the moon with two eyes and a smiling mouth. Is just only two stars with the moon. But this is indeed hard times to get this kind of scene. Is that a sign of something good going happen on earth or im just superstitious? Well, don't know either. Is just a beautiful scenery isn't it? ^-^

Been 2weeks didn't meet my besties. Miss their faces, their laugh and their crazy movement! Haha. My besties, Jade had change her image! How she look right now? Really curious! Can't wait to see them again to laugh and do something crazy!

Yesterday and today is my exam day! How was it? All i can say was OK. Everything went smooth. Just hope result will be good as well. ^-^ Alright! Starting a bit lazy now! Why? Cos tomorrow will start work again and meeting client as usual. Long time didn't have 'mouth-shooting' with my colleague! Tomorrow will do it till enough. Haha. But there's one thing im happy cos i could hang out with my friends and besties again! Yea~~~
Im now just like a bird out from the cage! So free~~~



Anonymous said...

wau..1 mth is long.

enjoy your holidays..what plans do you have right now?

m@y3 g@L said...

1mth is long? Minus out my work time..left bit only. Hahaha..Im going holiday next 2weeks. Yeah~~~

jade_adeline said...

my hair long ady gal....just the same old me...nothing change...

m@y3 g@L said...

ya kah? sure not? miss u ler...^-^