Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cousin Wedding~~

Fui..tired...Just after cousin wedding dinner. We (me, my bro & my mum) overnight at my 2nd auntie house on Firday (2/1/2009). Why? My cousin brother married on the next day. So went there to help the wedding stuff thing.

When two hearts tied together

When they found each other
This is bridegrrom house before going to fetch bride come back here.

The 'brothers' for the day
The 'sisters' for the day
Well, my brothers is one of the 'brothers' too. My mum? With she around, her voice can close up everyone else voice.hahaha...Mainly she went to bride house to make it more merrier.

And me....go to bride house as well. Since im not the 'brother' so i was camwhoring. Hehe.
After all the 'brothers' had sucessfully negotiate with the 'sisters', finally my cousin could bring her beloved wife back his home. It was quite a smoothly negotiation and one most important thing was the door had break down due to pushing here and there. Well, is a good chance for them to take up this reason to make a new one. haha..

After reach at cousin house, was doing nothing. So me and my brother was camwhoring.Oh..Look he like the 'Kungfu Panda' inside the panda right? Hehe...
During night we went for the dinner at Sung Dynasty Restaurant at Malim Business Park.

Happily both of them pouring the wine thru by glasses to another glasses. For you information, the cake was fake though..Haha..(Like this also can...)

My cousin family having their toast with us. you all realise my mum was inside there too? Mummy, what you doing there? Is not your son married though. Haha...(My mum was on the very right hand side, wearing the Vietnam costume)
After that, what we doing again? Camwhoring again with my brother. Hahaha..Was very free and don't know what to do. That's why...hehe.
After that, we eat and drink red wine....
And drink Carlsberg beer.....

And drink......Your head! is Martell wine not tea though...

Do we get drunk thru the night? I would say No. (If yes, i wont be typing this post) But my mum was bit tipsy. Haha. Keep walking around 'yum seng' (toasting) with my cousin and aunties uncles, of course! Oh ya! I met my besties, Jade at the same restaurant but at different floor. Her brother get married too. She went for the ground floor and i went for the first floor. Hehe..

Was tired right now. Got to meet my sleeping angel now.

Goodnight everyone!



Mitchy said...

Hoho, congratz to ur cousin!!

Haha, ppl there enjoy yum seng, u pula camwhoring....ishh ishh...hehe^^

m@y3 g@L said...

Haha...yala...behind my table keep yum seng n yum seng. Me and my bro boring so camwhoring lor...hahahha